
*Denotes Chairperson

Executive/Human Resource Committee

  • Rowie Hansberger*
  • Stephen Smith
  • Terry Severson
  • Rob Anderson
  • Ken Schultz

General Administration

  • Rob Anderson*
  • Deb Nebel
  • Mike Andrews
  • Steve Byrd

Parks and Recreation

  • Terry Severson*
  • Deb Nebel
  • Ken Schultz
  • Dan Harrington

Public Works Administration  

  • Ken Schultz*
  • Dan Harrington
  • Stephen Smith
  • Rob Anderson

Financial Administration

  • Stephen Smith*
  • Mike Andrews
  • Terry Severson
  • Steve Byrd

 Plan Commission

  • Rowie Hansberger* | Term: 2026
  • Brad Pederson | Term: 2025
  • Greg Kittelsen | Term 2025
  • Thomas Rasmussen | Term 2027
  • Bryan Rydberg | Term 2027
  • Gregg Schindeldecker | Term 2025
  • Terry Severson | City Council Representative

Zoning Board of Appeals

  • William Smith* | Term: 2025
  • William Holmson | Term: 2025
  • Stephen Smith | Term: 2026
  • Bryan Rydberg | Term: 2027
  • Dan Rayman | Term: 2027

Airport Management Committee

  • Gerald Winch* | Airport Manager
  • Jim Boigenzahn | Shell Lake Citizen at Large
  • Steve Byrd  | Council Rep
  • Stephen Smith | County Representative
  • Shane Williams | Local Bank CEO
  • Robert Rand | Aero Club Representative
  • Tom Elliott | Hanger Owner

Library Board

  • George Cusick – County Representative
  • Todd Folhofer – School Representative
  • Brenda Schloenger – Township Representative
  • Joni Christ-Paffel – City Representative
  • Deb Nebel –  Council Representative
  • Jeri Bitney – City Representative
  • Ann Ring – City Representative

  Housing Authority

  • John Pockat*
  • Eugene Harrington
  • Diane Downs
  • Dave Ekern
  • Dave Zeug

Fire Association

  • Mike Andrews – Council Representative
  • Terry Severson – Council Representative

Lake Protection

  • Deb Nebel | Council Representative

City Forester & Weed Commissioner 

  •  Mitch Brown

Zoning Administrator

  • Andrew Eiche

Board of Review 

  • Rowie Hansberger
  • Andrew Eiche
  • Rob Anderson
  • Stephen Smith
  • Mike Andrews

Economic Development Corp

  • Ken Schultz | President | Council Representative
  • Andrew Eiche | Vice-President
  • Dave Haroldson | Secretary
  • Shane Williams | Treasurer

Chamber of Commerce 

  • Mike Andrews – Council Representative